Musings of an eclectic post 60's free thinker on varied topics pertaining to my city (Buffalo) and whatever I'm doing or thinking at the moment.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's a New Day

Truely a great day in this nation's history. Whether you agree with Barack or not, whether you like his politics, personality or anything else about him. The majority of the people in this country have elected an African American as our President.

I would just like to say that perhaps, many of the people in this country are now giving as much weight to the color of person's skin as they do to the color of their hair. Maybe the next new president can be the first without a y chromosome.

I congratulate the American people, not on electing a democrat, a liberal, a socalist, a whatever that this man is or isn't. But of having the courage to look past the color of this man's skin and saying

"Mr. President"