Musings of an eclectic post 60's free thinker on varied topics pertaining to my city (Buffalo) and whatever I'm doing or thinking at the moment.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Xubuntu 8.04.1 !!!!!! Part Deux

Yep, Yep, Yep

Moved all of the components down to the basement last night and reconnected the machine. Went with a long Ethernet cable, didn't try the Wifi, but maybe some day in the future(??).

Booted up into Xubuntu, no problem. Rechecked the connection and surfed a couple of minutes (all I had time for). I'm off for a week after work today, so I'll play a little next week, try to get the torrents flowing. But overall, everything working fine so far, and getting another year or two out of the old box of silicon.

Anyway, I need to focus a little bit on some Zen for a day or so, life is getting a little scrambled.

Next post hopefully on calmness.