The basic point of the conversation was that, when she came home she needed to tell me certin things about her day. These things may have been something funny, or something that irked her, or some problem she ran into. Invariably, I would try and offer my take on her issues, offering suggested ways to solve the problem.
She didn't, doesn't, will never want any information of this nature during these venting, decompressing, ranting episodes. Maybe later, but not now, not unless she asks. Just listen........that's all, just listen and be there.
In the beginning this was so very difficult, but over the years I have gotten better at this. I have come to refer to this as our "Yes Dear" time. We have together time, private time, alone time to name a few....and we also have "Yes Dear" time. On some of these occasions she will rant about stupid Co-workers or customers or her boss. Yesterday a customer, nothing particularly spectacular about this tale when compared with the many that have preceded it, but this one was special.
She called him a "FuckHead".
Went on to make many grandiose statements about his Fuckheadedness and other fuckheads, but generally, was overwhelmed but his extreme Fuckhead act of that day.
In her honor I will now create a new series of posts, in the vein of Jeff Foxworthy's "You Might Be A Redneck" shtick, we now have "You might be a fuckhead...."
We also have a special "You Might Be a Fuckhead" award.

So to wrap this up here's the first of probably many honoree's.
"If you try to return a recalled food product with only the receipt because you have already eaten the entire freakin' box of food that was recalled.........
You Might Be a Fuckhead!"
Oh yeah, by the way, Big Sit Day 4 last night was the best yet, 15 minutes before antsyness set in. A Real Good Sit.
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