Beau Fleuve Eclectic Zen

Musings of an eclectic post 60's free thinker on varied topics pertaining to my city (Buffalo) and whatever I'm doing or thinking at the moment.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sit Update

I've been silent for a while, just really trying to deal with life. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not, but so it goes.........

Nothing much to say except.......

Respond, not react
Accept, don't resist
External is really the new internal

Day 89, 3 misses, but......

Still sitting.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Still Sitting

I've made 4 weeks as of yesterday. I would say that sitting is getting easier, but I don't want to grade the experience. I am having less trouble with my "Monkey Mind", although keeping him in check was always manageable. What has been getting better is keeping my body in check, just sitting and keeping my fidgeting to a minimum is better now.

My body is getting a little more comfortable sitting on a daily basis, and that's helped allow me to concentrate on my breath even more. It may soon be time to move onto other aspects of meditiation, but for now, still the breath.

Always the breath


Been away from here.......

I've been neglecting this spot, but to get back in the swing of things, I'm cross posting the next post from my Tricycle blog.

Then more later.......

Monday, March 16, 2009

3 Weeks

Yup, that's right, 3 weeks, 21 days, 3 fourths of a lunar cycle, a little over 2 thirds of a month (non February... March to be exact).

Yesterday, Sunday, March 15, 2009 was day 21.

A very pleasant surprise also, I sat for 28 minutes. Just kept falling into my self and becoming very relaxed. I guess a couple of things about my sitting.

First, I sit in a closet. Yes, yes, many jokes to be made, but it's a walk in closet, much room to be had, not crowded by any means. It's dark, but I keep the door cracked just a sliver and that provides a beam of light for focus when needed. I really don't have much trouble with the dark anyway, my mind is much too active to have problem becoming drowsy.

Second, I don't time my sits in the conventional way (you know, with some sort of clock, incense (not an option) or other timer. I count my breaths, I have a set number of breaths that generally takes about 22 minutes depending on my state of being on the particular day. Yesterday was 30 minutes. That meant I was relatively slow in my breathing.

My respiration has slowed down in the last year since i started practicing yoga. I am very cognisant of my breath and meditation has made me more so. I try not to control it during meditation, just observe. I think I've been able to do so most times, and yesterday I was aware of having a very slow breath but didn't think I would have been sitting 30 minutes. I was just so relaxed I cold have sat for another 15.

Again, being a relative newbie at this, I'll not indulge myself. One reason being that I am sitting Burmese style and it tends to be physically a challenge and even when I don't notice issues during a sit, they pop up later. Something I learned from years of physical activity (running, skiing, hiking, biking) is that during a really, really good session.....don't push too hard, it'll catch up to you. More so as the years go by.

So, 3 weeks came and went yesterday. I noted it, acknowledged it, let it pass. On to 22, it will be a new experience and not the same as 21 was or 23 will be, it'll just be 22, later today.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm Angry, I Feel anGer

Which is haRmful, Let It Go

without PrimaL Scream.

Dalai Lama Express

Went to see Dalai Lama Renaissance last evening. The film was about a group of 40+ of the world leading / cutting edge thinkers in a eclectic (love using this word) array of disciplines, who travel together to Dharamsala. They brainstorm ideas to present to the Dalai Lama with the purpose of addressing some of the worlds biggest problems (environmental, poverty, health concerns, etc.).

The first thing that was evident was how dysfunctional the group really is. They are very passionate about what they are doing, but because many of these people are leaders in their fields, compromise is, shall we say, a challenge. Whatever structure designed to underlay the conference soon breaks down, and everyone (invitees and guests alike) start mugging for their opportunity to present their ideas for discussion and to the Dalai Lama personally. At least some of them were aware of it. Fred Alan Wolf went so far as saying he knew he's asshole. LOL.

The real gem behind this though was the Dalai Lama himself. When presented with the idea of exerting economical pressure on China to address the Tibet problem, he GRACIOUSLY......I repeat, eloquently and graciously deferred the groups focus from this proposal. When pushed he said that this would only be an option if it did not harm the lives of the Chinese people. A stipulation that he knew could not be met. In doing this he offered his support, while placing a condition on it that would make the proposal impossible, offering a Win / Win for all involved. He went on to say any action must benefit both Tibet and China together.

Of the many themes presented here, the one that is most lasting is that of the Dalai Lama's compassion and happiness. From reading and hearing other accounts of encounters with His Holiness, this is an accurate portrayal. The Dalai Lama is interested in everyone he encounters, equally, without judgment. He is genuinely interested, and cares for all who grace his presence. And that is just it! He seems to always present the impression that he is blessed to be in your presence. Let me say he does not only present this as his image, this is how he is. This is why he is so very happy.

In one scene he is talking about being bitten by a mosquito and after a bit the entire crowd, Dalai Lama included, break into laughter. He is seen laughing and smiling so many times it is contagious. I think back to my own religious upbringing (Catholic) and the Dalai Lama's sense of humor in daily life was severely lacking. I could not in my wildest dreams, imagine a Pope, being as earthly and jovial and good natured and LOVING as the Dalai Lama. I certainly offer him my sincere gratitude for being himself. I wish and hope he is with us, in current incarnation, far a very long time.

Also, Big Sit on to Day 17 today (16 done).

Friday, March 6, 2009

But This One Goes To 11.............

Well hopefully it goes up to 90 (or more) but couldn't pass up on this Spinal Tap line.

11 down, 79 to go, going strong. By and far no problems, some sits are better than others, but I need to stop that, access for learning sake, but stop judging, it's not helpful. Really what is helpful is sitting, every sit is good, because it's a sit. Every sit is different, but that's just it, they are different. Not better, not worse, just different, just sit.

Once thing I have noticed is my back is getting looser. I still can't sit in the morning (unless I use a chair) but I'm not getting hot spots in the lower back after the sits anymore. I am however starting to get a little knee tenderness and back of the thigh, glute pulling in one leg. Need to ease off a little.

Anyway, on to Day 12.